Budweiser Brewing Company APAC is covered by various financial analysts and the consensus collection linked below was compiled from 20th January to 6th February 2025 from inputs submitted by some or all of the analysts listed below.
This company-compiled consensus estimate is published forinformation purposes only before each quarterly reporting period, based on theinputs of participating analysts who have submitted their financialprojections. Consensus estimates are, by nature, forward looking and aretherefore subject to risks and uncertainties which are subject to change at anytime. Note that consensus estimates, including any kind of underlyingprojections or forecasts, are the analysts’ own opinions and do not representopinions, forecasts or predictions of Budweiser Brewing Company APAC or itsmanagement. Budweiser Brewing Company APAC has not verified, endorsed,influenced or commented on any of such consensus estimates, nor does it intendto do so in the future. In addition, the consensus methodology may change atany time. Budweiser Brewing Company APAC assumes no liability whatsoever inconnection with the accuracy, compilation, completeness or publication ofconsensus estimates and does not by its reference or distribution imply itsendorsement of or concurrence with such information, conclusions orrecommendations. Budweiser Brewing Company APAC undertakes no obligation toupdate or revise such information. Nothing contained herein should be taken asa recommendation to buy or sell any securities or to take or refrain fromtaking any other action or to place any reliance on any of the informationincluded in this consensus collection.
Euan McLeish Chen Luo |
Bernstein BofA |
Wenbo Chen | CICC |
Xiaopo Wei |
Citi |
Elsie Sheng Han Zhang Mavis Hui / Clement Xu |
Leaf Liu
Kathy Song |
Goldman Sachs
Anne Ling |
Jefferies |
Kevin Yin Linda Huang |
J.P.Morgan Macquarie |
Lillian Lou |
Morgan Stanley |
Christine Peng |