Home NEWS & MEDIA OBC Celebrates ‘World Environment Day’ Through Companywide Environmental Protection Campaigns - OBC employees from three breweries nationwide participate in environmental protection campaigns

OBC Celebrates ‘World Environment Day’ Through Companywide Environmental Protection Campaigns - OBC employees from three breweries nationwide participate in environmental protection campaigns

Release date:June 05, 2020

[OBC Gwangju brewery employees remove wastes surrounding the Yeongsan River area]

OBC announced that it conducted environmental protection campaigns from June 3rd to June 5th at its breweries in Icheon, Cheongju, and Gwangju to commemorate ‘World Environment Day’ on June 5th.

OBC’s three breweries held various environmental protection campaigns in which employees themselves participated to celebrate ‘World Environment Day’. Meantime, the campaigns fully complied with social distancing, avoiding large gatherings to prevent the possible spread of COVID-19.

Brewery employees also participated in ‘Can Crush Challenge’, which OBC has been carrying out since the 25th of last month to increase the recycling rate of aluminum can. ‘Can Crush Challenge’ is an environmental campaign for the public, in which ‘challengers’ post Instagram videos or photos of themselves stepping on or crushing aluminum cans to show the proper way to dispose of aluminum cans by preventing foreign substances from entering.

In addition, World Environment Day slogan competition and environmental protection pledge event helped raise awareness in environmental pollution and encouraged the employees to pledge to practice environmental protection in everyday life. The slogans selected through the contest will be displayed on banners and posters throughout various areas of OBC breweries. OBC also contributed to reducing food waste by not generating any food waste for three days through a ‘Zero-Waste’ campaign for their cafeterias.

Gwangju brewery employees also participated in clean-up activities by removing various wastes and cleaning the area surrounding their facility and Yeongsan River.

OBC spokesman said, “As a company that maintains environmental conservation as its key mission, we promote the importance of the environment every year on WED. We will continue conducting various environmental protection activities for people and nature to coexist in harmony.”

OBC, A proud part of Budweiser APAC