Disclosure Items: GRI 303; HKEX A2, A3

Our Goals and Accomplishments

UN SDGs Our Goal KPI Measurements 2017 Baseline Progress in 2022 Progress in 2023 2025 Target

Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

To improve water availability and quality in our communities in high-stress areas % of our breweries in APAC have conducted local activities, identified water issues specific to their community and found appropriate solutions 0% 100% 100% 100%
To achieve water usage intensity of 2.0hl/hl in all areas including 100% of high-water stress areas % reduction (hl/hl) of water usage intensity since 2017 0% 26% 32% 33%
Promote water reduction program among our suppliers, encouraging them to reduce water usage throughout their operations % of operation facilities that applied water reduction program 100% 100% 100% 100%

  • Our Risks and Opportunities
    We often say “No water, No Beer.” The concurrent consequences of population growth, economic development and climate change have played a significant role in the escalation of water stress worldwide. The persistent rise in demand and pollution, coupled with the fluctuating patterns of weather and water cycles, will continue to exert an influence on water availability. Our sourcing of agricultural commodities hinges upon the provision of a reliable and superior water supply. 
  • Our Policy
    Please refer to our publicly available Water Policy for more information about our dedication to minimizing water discharges, reducing water usage intensity and enhancing water availability and quality. 
  • Our Vision and Ambition
    Five of our breweries are situated near three watersheds that have been identified as experiencing “high water stress” in India. We have reaffirmed our objective to attain an average water usage rate of 2.0hl/hl in the APAC region, encompassing areas with high water stress by 2025. 

Our Approach

Water aspects Our process Relevant water users Our management
Water Withdrawals To produce our beverages, our breweries source water from various providers, including third-party water utilities, groundwater, and surface water. However, water withdrawal for the purpose of exporting to third parties is not included in our reporting scope, as it is not utilized by our own operations within the breweries under consideration. • Local communities
• Water utilities
Water withdrawal is quantified and documented on a monthly basis for all sites, irrespective of the water source. This measurement and reporting process is aligned with crucial production levels and conducted on an eight-hour per shift basis, allowing for continuous benchmarking and necessary corrective actions. Additionally, water withdrawals are reported for each individual site based on the specific water sources utilized.
Water Consumption1/ Water Usage2 Agriculture (Supply Chain):
Water is utilized in agricultural processes for the agricultural products we procure, however, it is not included in our water consumption or usage data as it falls outside the reporting scope for brewery operations.
Conversion of Brewing Ingredients (Supply Chain):
Our suppliers require water to convert raw materials and agricultural produce into ingredients for our products. For instance, the conversion of barley into malt necessitates water. Nevertheless, this particular process is not accounted for in our water consumption or usage data as it lies beyond the reporting scope for brewery operations.
Brewing Operations (Our Operation):
Water is consumed in our breweries for production and operational purposes.
Sanitary Water Use (Our Operation):
Within our breweries, we provide clean water for workers’ handwashing, toilet flushing and showering.
End of Life (Our Operation):
As part of the water treatment process, some wastewater is evaporated into the atmosphere before entering the biological treatment system. During this phase, water is lost and considered as part of our consumption.
• Our farmers (supply chain)
• Our production
and operations
We perform water risk assessments at all of our breweries including the ones in water-stressed regions.
Our objective is to decrease overall water consumption by implementing enhancements in water usage efficiency. Annually, we expand the number of facilities that reuse reclaimed water. Furthermore, newly established beverage operations adhere to strict guidelines for increased levels of reclaimed water reuse.
We ensure the provision of fully operational and secure WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) services to all workers.
Water Discharges The majority of effluent from our breweries is directed to registered third-party treatment facilities, while a smaller portion of treated effluent is discharged into surface water. Local communities We subject all wastewater from our breweries to treatment through an internal biological treatment plant before appropriately discharging it into surface waters or municipal wastewater treatment plants. The daily recording of wastewater discharge volume and location is managed in our VPO data management system. Our objective is to progressively decrease discharge quantities by implementing recycling and reuse practices for the treated wastewater.
Water Intake Quality Conversion of Brewing Ingredients and Brewing Operations
Ensuring compliance with food safety standards and adherence to relevant limits is crucial, particularly when it comes to the water utilized in the production of our beverages.
Our production and operations We have established standardized procedures and protocols to measure and monitor the quality of water withdrawals. Water quality data is diligently recorded and tracked using our VPO data management system. Any discrepancies between the incoming water quality and internal specifications are promptly addressed for each water intake. Certain parameters, such as pH value, are regularly checked for every brewery.

1Water consumption includes water contained in our final product and water loss from evaporation before treatment.

2Water usage includes water consumption (see the footnote above) and water being reused in operation.

Our Water Footprint

We share water resources and discharge destinations with our surrounding stakeholders.

Our initiatives

  • Water Withdrawal

    Water Withdrawal and Risk Assessment

    With reference to the World Resources Institute’s (“WRI”) Aqueduct tool and our internal custom-made water risk tool, we conduct a comprehensive seven-step watershed management process at breweries located in water-stressed areas annually and quarterly to classify each brewery from “Very High-Risk” to “Low to Medium Risk” sites. 
    We also monitor the supply chain and apply the WRI Aqueduct tool to ensure that our agricultural raw materials do not come from areas with water scarcity or where water scarcity is expected. 
    Update water risk mapping among our breweries. Five of our breweries in India are located in three high water stress areas, this represents 3.8% of total volume of company-wide breweries across APAC. 
  • Water Consumption/Usage

    Water Management Due Diligence on Suppliers

    To assess the water stewardship practices of our suppliers and gather valuable insights for designing a comprehensive water value chain engagement program, we have implemented a structured working procedure. This procedure involves evaluating 14 supplier sites through various measures. Firstly, we conduct Water Risk Assessments using Aqueduct to identify potential risks and vulnerabilities. Additionally, we evaluate the Water Consumption Rate through Water Balance calculations to gain a better understanding of water usage patterns. To further enhance our evaluation process, we benchmark the suppliers’ practices against industry best practices using a Scorecard approach. To improve awareness and knowledge, we have launched online webinars focusing on water risk assessment and emergency response planning. We encourage the development of robust water strategies and management plans, including initiatives for water reuse and recycling. In line with our commitment to sustainable water management, we expect all suppliers to establish effective water targets, which we will diligently track on an annual basis. 
    Raise water efficiency awareness among suppliers with improved value chain water management. 
  • Water Discharge

    Monitoring of Quality and Quantity of Wastewater Discharge in India

    We have implemented various methods to enhance water efficiency within our breweries through a rigorous water management program. This program includes the adoption of advanced technologies such as Electro Dialysis Reversal, Multi-Effect Evaporators, and Wastewater recovery plants, which enable us to achieve Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD). At two of our breweries in India, we have successfully implemented ZLD strategies, incorporating cutting-edge water treatment facilities with Reverse Osmosis (RO) systems. These installations allow for efficient water recycling and on-site utilization for various purposes. Notably, these two breweries have achieved 100% ZLD and one of them is in high water risk area. In addition, we have implemented VPO to drive efficiencies at our plants. This continuous audit process enables us to improve the water discharge in all our plant operations, ensuring optimal performance and resource utilization. 

    Two breweries in India have achieved 100% Zero Liquid Discharge in their brewing operations.

    Creating Water Recharge Capacities for Water-Stressed Areas in India

    We replenished approximately two times (199%) of the water to the water-stressed areas in India, which is very close to our target “replenished two time water in the high water-stressed areas compared to our consumption” by 2025. To improve water use efficiency, we collaborate with farmers and employ technologies such as low-elevation sprinklers, drip irrigation and precision and variable rate irrigation systems. These efforts benefit both the watershed and the farmers, leading to improved crop yield and quality, optimized land use and reduced risks in crop investments. In partnership with organizations such as Water Aid and Samhita, we work towards water conservation and enhancing water access and security in water stressed villages near our operational areas. In 2023, we worked with our partners on water-demand management through training and awareness sessions. These activities aim to improve water availability and accessibility for the communities we serve. We will continue with our efforts to support the water- stressed areas with more investment and tailored solutions to align with our water stewardship strategy. 
    Water replenishment rate reached 199% in water-stressed areas in India.