Training and Development
Employee learning and development
Our Approach
We integrate safety considerations into every aspect of our operations and require the same
measures to be taken by our contractors. To drive this, our approach to safety is led from the top and we have assigned different roles at the departmental and the brewery levels to provide a safe workplace for all.
Occupational safety control
We have conducted a workplace hazard analysis for all high-risk processes in our operations. Based on the safety risk register, we conduct annual investigations and inspections to identify potential safety gaps. Our employees follow the Incident Reporting Policy to report potential safety risks and incidents.
Why it Matters
Our commitment to occupational health and safety is embedded in our corporate culture. We strive to minimize risks and respond quickly to workplace hazards. Our Occupational Health and Safety Policy is publicly available on our website and describes our approach to workplace health and safety. The policy is reviewed annually by our EHS team and approved by the Bud APAC CEO.
H&S Committee-Zone Level
· Oversee H&S strategies & initiatives internally and externally
· Implement actions to achieve H&S target
· Build benchmark safety culture with safety leadership
· Take promotion activates to improve safety awareness
· Review any updates on legal requirements related to health and safety
· Review best practices and strategize improvement plans
Brewery Level Health and Safety Committee
. Provide guidance for relevant staff at the breweries to promote a safety culture
. Provide management with assistance in all areas of safety
. Review any occurred and potential safety incidents observed on-site
. Assist in identifying and eliminating unsafe actions or conditions
. Identify opportunities to improve working conditions
. Discuss all relevant safety issues including but not limited to safety incidents or emergency situations
. Follow local safety regulatory requirements
Procedures and standards
Our Health and Safety Policy and associated management system aims to protect the health and safety of our colleagues and contractors. We have operational procedures and safety standards for our production process, including fire safety, warehouse safety, work-related injuries, electricity safety,emergency and evacuation procedures. We use the VPO system for routine management that covers and exceeds all elements of OHSAS 18001/ISO 45001.An internal audit is conducted twice a year.
Looking Forward
We want to be the industry benchmark when it comes to safety. We understand that different operational units may be exposed to different types and level of occupational hazards, and we aim to constantly prevent and mitigate any incidents as far as possible. To do so, we will continue to provide our colleagues and other workers with the support they need to cultivate high levels of safety awareness and continuously drive improvements to eliminate work-related injuries.